Hi Everyone,
It's really tempting to invest your time and efforts in the latest fad. I've done and perhaps you have too.
I don't actually think that's a bad thing as long as you understand the underpinnings of what you are trying to achieve and you don't put all of your eggs into one basket.
An example of where this type of thing can cause problems is Judo's new rules about leg grabbing. For a number of years some very flashy pick-up throws have become popular to the point that they have become the favourite technique of many athletes. All of a sudden they are as good as banned leaving those that have focussed on these techniques struggling to develop effective attack methods.
For this reason good coaches train their students soundly in the basics of throwing and the basic techniques to a very high level before allowing them to get swept away with the latest fad manouvre.
Techniques are there to achieve a purpose, keep the purpose in mind, understand the basic principles that will allow you to succeed and develop a range of contingencies that are consistent with the basic principles to ensure that you don't lose out because your one technique, for whatever reason, is no longer viable.
Kind regards
Simon 'At Your Service'
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